On Father's Day, I took my dad to see both of the Timothy Dalton 007 features that were showing at the local movie house. Not knowing that it would be that crowded, since Timothy Dalton is a very underrated Bond in my opinion, I was dead wrong when I got there. So many people showed up for it and it was pretty cool! It was practically a full house!
Now, these weren't the Sean Connery films or anything, in which case I'm sure every seat would have been taken, but still nonetheless it was the Dalton movies and it was just nice to see so many people come and see his movies. Of course when we got there, there was a screaming little girl asking her father, "Daddy, are these scary movies? Daddy? Daddy! Max took my seat!" I was automatically thinking to myself, Now why on Earth would you take your kid to a Bond movie? Especially the dark ones with Timothy Dalton? Anyway, as the feature started, everything took off pretty well and the theater was pretty quiet, including the little girl. I swear, that girl's voice was so loud you could hear it several blocks away! Anyway, onto the experience.
Before the movie started, there was a guess star Q&A with former Playboy playmate Diana Lee-Hsu, who had a minor part in Dalton's second film, *
Licence to Kill. Talking about how she got the job, she also mentioned how they used her for the opening credits scene. As she was explaining how they had to cover her private parts for the sensor, she explains, "They had to cover my twin peaks [breasts] and my hidden valley [vagina]." Naturally, the audience laughed at her politically correct use of the terms. I mean, there were several little kids in the audience so it was just as well, and naturally they didn't get it. Heck, the kids were probably sleeping by the time she was done with the interview.
After she left, the first Dalton film started.
The Living Daylights. It was great fun and brought Bond back to the Connery days with a gadget filled Aston Martin. When Dalton was first seen on the screen walking the Gun Barrel, everyone in the audience applauded including me and the first dramatic zoom in of Dalton also garnered great applause. This is what makes a Bond movie so fun to watch in a theater. You are surrounded by fans and no matter who the actor is playing Bond, you still cheer for him. Now, unfortunately I'm not sure how audiences reacted to George Lazenby's Bond, but that's a whole different story that I'm not going to get into at this point.
Anyway, after watching
The Living Daylights, Robert Davi was another special guest from
Licence to Kill. He played Franz Sanchez, the main antagonist to Dalton's Bond. Coming in with a hat and a lot of jewelry, Davi talked about his experience on the film and also talked about his personal carer as an actor-turned singer.

Anyway, after the questions in the audience were asked and all that, he started sighing autographs. At this time, it was already like around 10:30 and the movie was two hours and ten minutes, so things had to get cracking. So, while he was signing, the lights went down and we got right to the next film,
Licence to Kill. The second film is honestly my favorite of the Dalton movies in that it is far more memorable and the villains are much more interesting. If you do watch this movie, be on the lookout for a 22 year-old Benicio Del Toro as Davi's henchman Dario. Anyway, when the last movie was over, we headed home and it was about 1am. And of course, summer school started the next day but who cares...it was a Bond special! lol
**If you're wondering why I spelled Lisense with a "c", it's because that is the spelling the film used. They kept the British spelling for some reason.
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