Wednesday, November 14, 2012

SKYFALL 007 *Some spoilers*

Well, the newest Bond film is finally here and that is Skyfall starring Daniel Craig, Judi Dench and Javier Bardem. Being the 50th anniversary of the 007 films and the 23rd official James Bond movie, this movie was just awesome and everything you've come to expect and more from this franchise.
Four years ago, the disaster known as Quantum of Solace was released. It was the first direct sequel to a Bond movie and the first to use some crew from the Jason Bourne films. Now, having Bond compete or try to mimic a totally different franchise was the first mistake. The second mistake was the fact that they actually did it. Constant unnecessary shaking of the camera to I guess bring a sense of realism didn't really do anything but just say, "Let's destroy 46 years of originality and slap some Jason Borune in there. Didn't work. Skyfall was such a relief and brought things back to the classic world of James Bond that we all know and love with a modern twist to it. The things that made the Bond films so successful is that not only did they retain the feel of the 60s, but also adapt to the modern times. No more people taking over the world; no more unrealistic situations; but more of a focus on the spy genre and drama to the character. Back to the point at hand, Skyfall is up there with the great James Bond films as Goldfinger, GoldenEye and Licence to Kill. There is much story development here and Daniel Craig, although not my favorite James Bond, has really made the part his own and in no way is he trying to mimic Sean or Pierce or the others. If anything, he has a touch of what Timothy Dalton brought to the role: Less time for the ladies and more time for his job. The films starts off with a bang, and of course it must since every James Bond film must have a spectacular opening sequence before the movie starts. And after that the film begins. James Bond and Eve Moneypenny are on a mission in Istanbul to run down an assassin responsible for stealing important files regarding agents in the British Secret Service. Bond finds the man responsible and chases him throughout the city in a spectacular bike chase through the streets of Turkey and ends up with a hand to hand fight on the train. Bond gains the upper hand but M orders Eve to fire a the e assassin and sadly they she shoots the wrong man and Bond falls to his "death" off a bridge. The next day, M writes an obituary on 007 presuming he is dead. Bond, however is not really dead yet enjoying himself on the loose and begins to drink and just grow a beard and not care about his time as an agent. He has basically lost his memory. M's superiors thing she is incompetent due to the loss of the information on the agents and has nods about resigning from the service once and for all. Bond, in Shanghai, then catches up with the man he was chasing earlier on the train and notices that he is setting up a sniper attack on someone. When he fires and kills the target, he spots Bond and then has a fight to the death in which case Bond prevails this time and instead of Bond falling to his death, it's the assassin's turn and falls to his death. Now, Bond meets up with a girl that he spotted near the down target and ends up getting her to take him to the one mastermind responsible for this mess. She takes him to the man, who turns out to be an old member of MI6. Now, that is as far as I'll go with this review. I didn't mean to turn this into a tangent or a synopsis of the damn film, but if you want to know more I recommend you find out the rest in your local theater or just read a spoiler online. But I'll conclude with this: Skyfall is the movie to see if you are interested in a good story; action; character development and suspense. After four years out of the picture, James Bond 007 is back like you've never seen him before!

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